Friday, February 19, 2010

My, How Things Have Changed...

As I consider my new blog, I realize I've come a very long way from where I was a decade ago. Ten years ago, I was absolutely certain that those tempting computer animation classes at my college were a dead end and that I should choose a more practical career, like teaching. Of course I had a couple of programming classes, and I wrote my own website from scratch in HTML and made a game of checkers, but I didn't take it seriously. I wanted to be able to work anywhere in the world, and this dark little cackling voice in the back of my consciousness told me that programming wasn't a way to do that. (Maybe the cackling should have clued me in to the lies.) Besides, my parents were both teachers, I was good at teaching, and I was convinced, as most women are, that I was bad at math.

Now, look at me. I eat linear algebra for breakfast. With no sugary coating. And love it. Yum. I also make really pretty mistakes in my graphics projects. I mean, seriously. Did a circus clown go ballistic on my triangles when I wasn't looking? Maybe I should sell it as abstract art.

Anyway, I'm now starting a technical blog. And it's technical because that's my daily life. That's what I want to talk about. I want to talk about my hilarious, frustrating, cool, and bizarre programming mistakes. I want to talk about the amazing and terrifying technological advances that are being made (like computer peripherals that literally read your mind). That's me now. Wow.

So, welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy the ride.

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